WhatsApp has recently launched 3 new features. Taking users privacy as the priority, WhatsApp has announced the following 3 new features.
- Exit group silently
- Who can see your online status
- Block the user from taking screenshots
“New privacy features coming to WhatsApp: exit group chats without notifying everyone, control who can see when you’re online, and prevent screenshots on view once messages. We’ll keep building new ways to protect your messages and keep them as private and secure as face-to-face conversations,” said Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO, Meta.
Exit Group Silently:
WhatsApp will now let users exit groups silently without notifying everyone. Only the admins of the group will be notified when a participant leaves the group.
Who can see your online status:
Now in WhatsApp you can setup the list of users who can see your online status. WhatsApp is introducing the ability to select who can and can’t see when you’re online.
Block the user from taking screenshots:
Sometimes back WhatsApp introduced the “view once” feature which is very popular among the users. Now on top of that WhatsApp is going to restrict taking screenshot of the messages which are marked as “view once”.