WhatsApp Pink Virus! Be Alert

WhatsApp Pink is a new virus spread through WhatsApp groups. It will ask you to download the APK file to get the pink version of WhatsApp. This new threat link is being shared by WhatsApp Pink and claims to convert its iconic color from green to Pink. The APK link is shared on the chat platform to let hackers gain access to your device and get your personal details.

This WhatsApp Pink offers additional features, additional emoji, other GIF. Many WhatsApp users have already reported receiving such suspicious links on their WhatsApp groups. In most cases, WhatsApp Pink is forwarded by the WhatsApp users without knowing its real purpose.

However cyber expert has warned that the link performs no actions as advertised and instead is a tool for hackers to access a target device. This link possibly locks your WhatsApp accounts or even your smartphones in some cases. This APK file allows hackers to gain full access to your Smartphone and your data.

Only Android users are being affected by the WhatsApp Pink virus. Avoid the suspicious link or APK file, and don’t install the Whatsapp Pink for the extra features.

WhatsApp pink can be used to steal your data like photos, SMS, contacts, bank details. It can track your Keyboard, which is based on malware to track everything you type. It can capture your net banking passwords, UPI passwords, OTP received by the banks and other platforms.

As per WhatsApp official guidelines, we only recommend that people use the tools that we provide inside the app and if any suspicious, use the report or block the contact.

How to delete the WhatsApp Pink from your Smartphone:

To uninstall WhatsApp Pink, follow these steps:

1. Go to settings
2. Go to storage or Apps (depend on your devices)
3. You can see the list of Apps installed in your Smartphone
4. You can uninstall the hidden apps.

This is the only process to uninstall the hidden Apps.

The best way to avoid all this process is to prevent suspicious links or APK files. If you found any suspicious links from any WhatsApp group member, report to WhatsApp or block the person.

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